Friday 12th July
This week in Maths we have been handling data. We have learnt how to draw and count tallies and have answered questions about bar charts.
In RE we have thought about the animals related to CAFOD’s Catholic Social Teaching. We have learnt the songs relating to Poppy the popokotea and Chikondi the giraffe.
Friday 5th July
This week in English we have found out that it was the magpie who stole The Queen’s diamond!
We researched magpies and created fact files including information about; appearance, diet, habitat and also some fun facts too.
This week in Maths we have learnt about 3D shapes.
We have described their properties using the mathematical language vertices, edges and faces.
My shape is a cylinder.
It has 3 faces.
It has 2 edges.
It has 0 vertices.
In RE we read a letter from Pop Francis called Fratelli Tutti.
Fratelli Tutti animation | CAFOD (
It explains how he wants us to act with love and goodness in our hearts so that we can help our global neighbours as well as our local neighbours.
Friday 28th June
This week in English we have planned royal tea parties and written invitations to princes and princesses around the world. We have included the date, the location, what the dress code is, what entertainment and food will be on offer and used persuasive language to make sure that they all want to attend!
In Maths and Art (Art Week) we have been thinking about patterns. We looked for AB, ABB, ABC patterns in pictures and created our own too. We looked at and were inspired by the bold patterns that Camille Walala creates on buildings for everyone to enjoy. We then went on to look at patterns in numbers and investigated and extended missing number sequences and pictorial sequences such as those that can be created with dominoes. Finally in Maths this week we learnt about lines of symmetry and created our own symmetrical patterns.
In RE we are studying Judaism. We have recapped on what we had previously learnt about Shabbat and have now learnt about the holy book The Torah which is made up of the first 5 books of The Bible; Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deutoronomy. We learnt about Hebrew script and watched a video about a synagogue, learning about where the The Torah is kept and how Jewish people visit it to study and to pray.
Friday 21st June
This week in English we have pretended to be newspaper reporters, role playing and then writing scripts based on questions that we would ask The Egg Box Dragon about what he has found.
We remembered that question sentences need to include:
a question word
a question mark and
have an answer.
What is the most interesting thing that you have found?
The most interesting thing I have found was Mrs Forsyth’s keys.
In Maths, we have been spending lots of money!
We have thought about the value all the coins and notes.
We have made totals recording in pounds and pence.
£30 and 14p
£30 and 45p
In RE this week we have continued our topic; Dialogue and Encounter.
We designed posters to illustrate the work that CAFOD do and wrote about what we can do to be global citizens.
Friday 14th June
This week in English we have thought about the character of The Egg Box Dragon. We predictions as to what we thought was going to happen in the story. We then found out how good he was at finding things and acted out and then recorded a conversation between the villagers about how amazing he was at helping people. Who will he help next?
In Maths, we have had great fun learning about measures. We have investigated standard and non standard measures. We weighed objects using grams and kilogrammes and read scales on thermometers in 2s 5s and 10s. We ordered containers using ml and then estimated the capacity of large boxes and measured them using litres.
In RE this week we have started our new topic; Dialogue and Encounter.
We read the story of The Good Samaritan and wrote prayers asking for help to be more like him.
Friday 7th June
This week in English we have started our new Power of Reading book The Egg Box Dragon by Richard Adams.
We haven’t actually seen the Egg Box dragon yet but we have listened to the way that the author describes it and we used our imagination to draw how we thought it would look. We also had great fun creating our own cardboard box dragons and writing a set of instructions as to how it could be done.
In Maths, we have revisited the 4 operations; addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We have remembered the strategies we need to use and used them to solve equations and word problems.
In RE this week we have continued to focus on The Fruits of The Holy Spirit. We revisited the saints that we had learnt about at the start of the topic and identified how they had The Holy Spirit in their hearts. Our topic has come to an end so we celebrated and went forth sharing the fruits of The Holy Spirit with our friends and families.
Holy Spirit come to us.
Friday 24th May
This week in English we have been writing acrostic poems about Summer. We thought about things that we do in the summer and added adjectives and adverbs to add interest to our poems. The children then performed them for the class.
In Maths, we have read the book The Great Pet Sale by Nick Butterworth.
We solved problems concerning money using strategies to add, subtract, multiply and divide. We investigated coins and thought of different combinations to pay for the same amount.
E.G. A komodo dragon costs 25p
20p + 5p
10p + 10p + 5p
5p + 5p + 5p +5p + 5p +5p etc
In RE this week we have continued to focus on The Fruits of The Holy Spirit. We looked at Taize and different symbols of the Holy Spirit. Taize is a community but also a repeated prayer/ chant linked to the Holy Spirit Coming. It allows people to think about how the Holy Spirit will come into their lives. The children performed liturgical dances in response to the chant.
Holy Spirit come to us.
Friday 17th May
This week in English we have read the poem The Treasures by Clare Bevan.
We listened to music to inspire us as we wrote poems about a lark.
We have also revised the suffixes ful and less and used the words we have created to make our writing really interesting.
In Maths, we have continued to think about positioning in geometry.
We also learnt about right angles and made our own right angle checkers
The children have been learning and applying the following vocabulary:
quarter turn
three quarter turn
right angle
In RE this week we have continued to focus on The Fruits of The Holy Spirit. We have looked at the different ways that the Holy spirit is represented (wind, fire water a dove) and responded to how they make us feel.
“God’s love poured into us by the Holy Spirit.”
Friday 10th May
We applied what we learnt last week about fact files, in our RE writing this week.
We have revisited homophones, investigating words that sound the same but are spelt differently and have different meanings.
EG their there they’re
too to two
In Maths, we have been using positional language to locate people and objects and to solve problems.
The children have been learning and applying the following vocabulary:
quarter turn
three quarter turn
right angle
In RE this week we have been looking at Saints and how the fruits of The Holy Spirit were reflected in their lives. The children then wrote fact files about their chosen saint. We continued to reflect on how Christians receive the attributes of these gifts when they are received into The Church at Baptism.
Paul said “The Spirit produces love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility and self-control.”
Friday 3rd May
We started the week by looking at the features of a fact file. We then collected information and created fact files about chicks in anticipation of our chicks hatching next week.
We continued to look at poetry, focussing on The Sound Collector by Roger McGough. We thought of a huge bank of sounds and then wrote our own sound collector poem.
In Maths, we have been looking at fractions.
We have used the key vocabulary
numerator ,denominator and vinculum ( the line that separates the two) equal parts/groups
The numerator is how many groups you need
The denominator is how many equal groups there are altogether.
We have started to look at non unit fractions where the numerator is greater than 1
E.G. ¾ , 2/3, 2/4
We had great fun making non unit fraction pizzas and then moved onto finding fractions of numbers.
¾ of 12
The denominator tells us that we need 4 equal groups
The numerator tells us that we need to count 3 of those groups so…
¾ of 12 =9
In RE this week we have learnt about St. Paul who was originally called Saul. He became a Christian and spread The Good News. He told The Galatians all about the fruits of The Holy Spirit.
Paul said “The Spirit produces love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility and self-control.”
Friday 26th April
This week in English we investigated the features of a recount. Following our exciting trip to Thriftwood the children wrote a recount of their day remembering to:
We have continued to work on division this week in Maths.
The children are seeing the relationship between multiplication and division and have been applying their knowledge of the 2, 5 and 10 times tables to solve and check division problems.
30 ÷ 5 =
5 X 6 = 30
So 30 ÷ 5 = 6
We started our new R.E. topic this week, To the Ends of the Earth. The children learnt about The Ascension and reflected on how the disciples felt when Jesus had gone back to heaven. They also wrote a diary entry recording the events of Pentecost when they were filled with The Holy Spirit as God had prophesised.
Friday 19th April
This week in English we have started our new Power of Reading book, Poems to Perform by Julia Donaldson.
We listened to The Rhythm of Life by Michael Rosen and wrote our own poems following the same style.
In Maths we have started to look at division by grouping.
12 ÷ 2 = 6
We have learnt that 12 is the dividend the total that we have.
We have learnt that 2 is the divisor the amount in each group we have created.
We have learnt that that 6 is the quoitient the number of groups that we have created.
2 2 2 2 2 2
The children have applied their knowledge of counting in 2s 5s and 10s to help them solve these division problems.
In RE our topic Desert to Garden has come to a close. The children reflected on all that they have learnt and thought about how good and bad choices can always be forgiven.
Friday 22nd March
We created our vegetable soup in our DT learning this week. We applied all the skills we had learnt to create a soup that we then tasted and evaluated.
Thank you to those who donated vegetables.
We then wrote a set of clear instructions explaining what to do it.
The instructions needed to be:
In maths we have returned to our multiplication topic.
We have investigated and created our own rules regarding the value of factors.
Eg If one of the factors is 0 the product will also be zero.
If one of the factors is 1 the product will be the same as the other factor
In R.E this week we read the story of Easter Sunday. We created Easter cards and wrote a diary entry from the view point of the ladies who visited the tomb.
“He’s come back to life again just as He said He would.” Mathew 28:1-8
Friday 15th March
In English this week we have continued with our theme of Diary writing recording the adventures of the snail in different locations. We also thought about the different emotions that she would have experienced along her journey and used a thesaurus to find more words with the same meaning.
In Maths we have been telling the time.
We have remembered to piece the clues together like a time detective.
Is it on the past or the to side of the clock? past
How many minutes? (30) half
Which number has it gone past or to? 9
We have learnt o clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to.
We have also moved on to using units of 5 minutes.
In R.E this week we read the story of The Last Supper. We talked about the important words and phrases that Jesus used and how they are words that we hear at church every week. We looked at how this important story has been depicted in art work. The children responded by creating their own Last Supper drawing, applying the skills that they developed in our drawing topic last term.
The Last Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci
“This is my blood to take away sin. Drink from this, all of you.”
Matthew 26:20-29
Friday 8th March
This week in English we have written diary entries from the point of view of the snail from The Snail and The Whale. We thought about this style of writing and remembered to include:
· the date
· Dear Diary
· past tense verbs
· first person I
· information
· thoughts and feelings
In Maths this week we have continued our multiplication topic.
We have used the language factor and product and know that
Factor X factor = product
We have investigated the factors and worked out that multiplication is commutative
4X 2= 8 and 2X 4 = 8
In RE this week we have thought about Forgiveness, how it feels to be forgiven and how it feels when we forgive.
We read the story of Jesus entering Jerusalem on Palm Sunday and recreated the story with puppets.
Friday 1st March
In English we started our new Power of Reading book The Snail and The Whale by Julia Donaldson. We thought about where we would like to travel to if we had itchy feet like the snail in the book. We thought about how she was feeling as she embarked on her journey and wrote character descriptions about the snail based on all that we know about her so far.
In spelling and grammar we have continued to focus on Year 2 high frequency words and also looked at words that end in ‘tion’. See if you can spot any in your reading books.
In Maths this week we have started our new topic of Multiplication.
We know that multiplication is equal groups of.
We have drawn equal groups with jottings, have recorded using repeated addition and have created arrays using counters, jottings and even ourselves!
In R.E. we have started our new topic Desert to Garden. We have reflected on our Ash Wednesday service and why we chose our Lenten promises.
We have listened to Kyrie Eleison and learnt that it means Lord have mercy.
Friday 16th February
In English we wrote a story based on the Princess and the White Bear King.
In Maths this week we have been learning about subtracting a 2 digit number from a 2 digit number where the ones bridge 10.
We have followed these steps
· Partition the 26
· Draw a number line.
· subtract the 10s
· subtract the 1s
This week’s Maths has brought together the skills of subtracting multiples of 10, subtracting 1s and using a numberline.
In R.E. we have completed the topic Galilee to Jerusalem.
We took part in an Ash Wednesday service and wrote Lenten Promises.
Friday 9th February
In English we predicted what we think might happen at the end of the story.
Most of us wished for a happy, fairy tale ending to the story but others decided that The Troll Queen would rule the kingdom! We also compared what we had predicted at the beginning of the book to what we predicted near to the end.
Our spelling rule this week soft c.
The rule is;
The c is soft if it is followed by a y, i or e
city spaceman circle cyber
In Maths this week we have been learning about subtracting a 2 digit number from a 2 digit number where the ones don’t bridge 10.
We have followed these steps
This week’s maths has brought together the skills of subtracting multiples of 10, subtracting 1s and using a numberline.
In R.E. we have continued the topic Galilee to Jerusalem.
We read the parable of The lost sheep that explains that God loves and forgives us all.
“Heaven is filled with the angel’s songs of joy whenever one person comes back to God.”
Luke 15: 1-10
Friday 2nd February
In English we wrote a diary entry pretending that we were the princess on her journey to the glass mountain.
We included past tense verbs, information and thoughts and feelings and remembered to write in the first person using I.
Our spelling rule this week was compound words.
Compound words are words made when two words come together to make a completely different word.
butter+ fly=butterfly
stop+watch =stopwatch
In Maths this week we have been learning about adding two 2 digit numbers where the ones add up to more than 10
We have followed these steps
7 is made of 6 and 1
These are all skills the children have learnt and this week we have brought them all together to solve problems.
In R.E. we have continued the topic Galilee to Jerusalem.
We read the story of Noah’s Ark and thought about the symbolism of water, cleansing and forgiving.
Friday 26th January
In English we wrote sentences to justify who the princess should listen to and why.
The princess should listen to the bear because he might be lonely.
The princess should listen to her mother because the bear might be a troll.
Our spelling rule this week was looking at how contractions are formed.
A contraction is a shortened form of a group of words.
An apostrophe is used where the letters have been taken away.
he is------he’s
they are ------ they’re
would not ------ wouldn’t
In Maths this week we have been learning about adding two 2 digit numbers where the ones add up to less than ten.
We have remembered the strategies we have learnt for adding by following
We applied this strategy to answer word problems.
In R.E. we have continued the topic Galilee to Jerusalem.
We read about Jesus calling his disciples Mathew 10 1-23.
“These were the men who would spread God’s Good News.”
We wrote prayers to say sorry and ask God’s forgiveness for our sins.
Friday 19th January
In English we thought about the princess, what she looks like and how she feels. We then used all our describing words to create a character description.
The children came up with some well thought out sentences including:
She has long, smooth hair..
She has beautiful eyes that shine like the stars.
She feels emotional and angry because she did not get the crown she really wanted.
Our spelling rule this week was to add the suffix ‘ly’ to change an adjective into and adverb
Quick + ly = quickly
Slow+ ly = slowly
We also applied the rule that if the adjective ends in a y you change the ‘y’ to an ‘i’ and add ‘ly’
happy - happi - happily
crazy – crazi - crazily
In Maths this week we have been learning about polygons.
A polygon is a 2D shape with only straight sides that meet at a vertices.
The important vocabulary this week is
straight sides
We have looked at regular polygons and created our own irregular ones too.
Polygons we have named are;
Triangle, square, rectangle, quadrilateral, pentagon, hexagon and octagon
In R.E. we have continued the topic Galilee to Jerusalem.
We have listened to the story of The Temptation in the wilderness (Lk 4: 1-15)
We thought about good choices and bad choices and how Jesus made good choices even though He was tempted by the devil.
“You should not test The Lord your God. Now go away. I’m not going to do what you want. I’ve come here to do what God wants.” (Lk 4: 1-15)
We also began to recognise that the miracles of Jesus are signs that Jesus is the Son of God. We listened and responded to the story of Jesus curing the paralysed man.
Friday 12th January
In English we have started our new power of reading book, The Princess and the White bear King. We looked at artefacts and predicted what the story might be about, designed and created crowns fit for a princess and wrote a letters to the king explaining why he should choose their crown.
We included adjectives and conjunctions in our writing.
In Maths this week we have been learning to subtract multiples of 10 from a 2 digit number by applying our knowledge of bonds within 10
We have continued to remind ourselves that:
the tens change but the ones stay the same.
43 - 20=
We have used the following rules:
Partition the 43into tens and ones
Subtract the multiples of 10
40 - 20=
We know that 4-2=2 so we also know that 40-20=20 (4 tens - 2 tens = 2 tens)
Recombine (add the ones on)
In R.E. we have started our new topic Galilee to Jerusalem.
We have listened to the story of John the Baptist and looked at art work that depicts John baptising Jesus.
Jesus is baptised
Jesus went down into the water. When He came out, He was praying. Suddenly, its seemed as though the sky had split in two! God’s Holy Spirit had come. It looked like a dove as it hovered over Jesus. This showed all those watching that Jesus had the Holy Spirit in Him.
A great Voice spoke from the sky, “You are My Son. I have always loved You. You have always pleased Me.” It was the Voice of God. He was telling the people they should listen to Jesus. Luke 3:21-22
Friday 8th December
In English we have been learning about the rules of adding the suffix ly to change an adjective into an adverb.
quick + ly = quickly
soft + ly = softly
We have thought about the very beginning of the story about Traction Man and have started to wonder about how the boy’s original Traction Man became broken through a parachute accident! Did he get tangled up in the clutches of Terrible Tree, was he chewed by the next door neighbour’s dog Nasty Gnasher or did he get captured by Ferocious Frog who lives in the depths of the garden pond?
In Maths this week we have been learning to add multiples of 10 to a 2 digit number by applying our knowledge of bonds within 10
We have continued to remind ourselves that:
the tens change but the ones stay the same.
23 +40=
We have used the following rules:
Partition the 23into tens and ones
Add the multiples of 10
We know that 2+4= 6 so we also know that 20+40=60 (2 tens + 4 tens = 6 tens)
Recombine (add the ones on)
In R.E. we have learnt about The Visitation when Mary travels to see Elizabeth to share her Good News. We read the scripture Mary’s Song which recalls how she feels. Mary’s Song
Mary was so happy, she sang a song of praise to God.
“God is so good. My heart is full of joy,
I give thanks and praise to God,
For God has blessed me very specially.
I am poor and unimportant
Yet God has done great things for me.
Holy is God’s name.
God is so strong.
God’s love lasts for ever.
God looks after everyone.
God is with the poor and hungry.
God is always very close.
God never forgets anyone.”
(based on Luke1:46-55)
We have also thought about how Mary and Joseph would prepare for the arrival of their special baby, Jesus Christ.
Friday 1st December
In English we have been revising all the spelling rules for past tense verbs. We then included all our great past tense verbs when we wrote a letter from Scrubbing Brush to Traction Man.
In Maths this week we have been learning to add and subtract 10 from a 2 digit number.
We have learnt that when we add or subtract 10 the tens change but the ones stay the same.
34 +10=44
44+10=54 etc
47-10=37 etc
In R.E. We have read about the prophet Isaiah
Isaiah 9: 2-6
Once a long time ago, people felt as though they were living in the dark.
Then something happened.
It was as though a great light brightened up their lives and brought them joy.
A child has been born to us.
A son is given to us. And these are the names he has been given;
Strong friend
Powerful God
Ever-loving Father
Bringer of peace
We reflected on this scripture and thought about how it made us feel. We also listened and responded to the story of The Annunciation.
Friday 24th November
In English we have been thinking about the way Traction Man feels in different parts of the story. We wrote letters pretending to be Traction Man, to Granny, to say thank you and to explain what he really thought the Christmas present she gave him.
In Maths this week we have started to add a single digit to a 2 digit number.
We have used the following check list.
We have also had great fun as it has been PIRATE MATHS WEEK.
We solved number problems, played pirate maths games, solved Pirate maths challenges and followed a set of instructions to make a pirate hat all on our own!
In R.E. We have started our new topic Preparing. We have written lists of the things we need to do to prepare for Christmas and have all made an Advent promise that we will strive to keep during Advent.
Friday 17th November
In English we have been looking at what makes a good diary entry.
We know that it needs:
We then wrote a diary entry pretending to be Traction Man.
This week we have also been looking at homophones, words that sound the same but have different spellings and different meanings
e.g. to too two
there their they’re
In Maths this week we have continued to apply known facts to solve addition and subtraction equations.
If I know that 3 + 4 = 7
Then I know that 13 + 4 = 17
I can work out 23 + [ ] = 27
or 27 = [ ] + 23
and 44 + [ ] = 47 and so on
This week was Inter Faith Week. We found out about Judaism and how Jewish families prepare for and celebrate Shabbat.
We know that Shabbat means and He rested.
We wrote lists of all the things that are needed to get ready before the special meal.
Friday 10th November
This week in English we have carried on with our new Power of Reading Book Traction Man. We have been thinking about how Traction Man always manages to save the day!
We have been looking at irregular past tense verbs. For example, run- ran, is- was. Next week we will be looking at homophones.
In Maths we have thought about addition and subtraction. We have been identifying patterns.
For example, 6 +2 = 8, 16 + 2 = 18, 26 + 2 = 28… What will come next?
In Science we have been identifying how materials can be changed. We sorted materials into those that can be stretched and those that cannot.
In PE we have enjoyed creating yoga flow sequences.
Friday 3rd November
This week in English we have started our new Power of Reading Book Traction Man. We have been predicting what we think is going to happen in the book, thought about a voiceover and learned about Proper Nouns. We have had great fun adding voice overs to things that are happening around the school.
This week’s spelling rules
We have been working on past tense verbs and have learnt the following rules;
Just add ed play---played
If the root word has a short vowel sound, double the consonant and add ed hug---hugged
If the root word ends in e , take off the e and add ed
If the root word ends in y, change the y to an I and add ed cry---cried
Next week we will be looking at irregular past tense verbs.
In Maths we have thought about subtraction as difference.
We have investigated consecutive numbers and found that they have a difference of 1.
we have investigated consecutive even numbers and found that they have a difference of 2.
We have investigated consecutive odd numbers and found that they have a difference of 2.
Our Signs and Symbols topic came to an end. We celebrated and went forth to spread the word with our candles decorated with the signs and symbols of baptism.
Friday 20th October
In Maths we have continued to subtract a single digit from a 2 digit number.
We have been successful by following these 3 steps;
12 - 4
12-2 =10
10 -2 =8
Friday 13th October
In English we have been writing our own poetry.
We went on a lovely Autumn walk around the school, collected autumn leaves and watched and videoed leaves falling from the trees.
We then thought about amazing adjectives and interesting verbs that we could use to describe them.
We then used all our ideas to create an Autumn leaf poem.
This week in Maths we have continued to add 2 single digit numbers using the ‘makes ten’ strategy but with the addition of an empty number line to help to see the process.
We have used the following check list to help us to be successful
• Write the equation
• Draw a number line
• Make ten
• Partition the second number
• Add the second part on
Although this seems a rather long process it is a skill that will really help them when working with bigger numbers and harder maths problems.
Key vocabulary;
makes ten, addition, and, plus, together
In RE we have continued to look at the rites of Baptism and the importance of the symbols reflecting Baptism. This week’s sign was the door to the church that opens and welcomes the baby into God’s family.
Friday 6th October
In English this week we have been writing poems.
We read and performed a poem about hedgehogs and then wrote a nonsense poem about a funny thing that we might see on the way to school.
On the way to school I saw a dinosaur.
A spotty dinosaur.
A spotty, tiny dinosaur.
A spotty, tiny, laughing dinosaur …
We tried to include interesting adjectives and apply the spelling rules that we have been learning about adding suffixes.
This week in Maths we have been adding 2 single digit numbers using the ‘makes ten’ strategy.
We know that 7 needs 3 more to make 10.
5 is made of 3 and 2
So 7+3=10
10+2 =12
We are teaching the children to use calculation strategies rather than just counting on.
Although this seems a rather long process it is a skill that will really help them when working with bigger numbers and harder maths problems.
Key vocabulary;
makes ten, addition, add, plus, together
In RE we have continued to look at the rites of Baptism and the importance of the symbols reflecting Baptism. We went on a walk looking for signs and symbols that are important to our school.
We have started our new History topic on Black History Month with a particular focus on Martin Luther King. BBC bitesize has some good information, a puzzle to make and a quiz to test their knowledge.
Friday 29th September
In English this week we have been writing our own version of Max’s first crossing with the lollipop lady.
We have thought about using great descriptive language, interesting verbs and conjunctions to extend our sentences.
This week in Maths we have been comparing numbers using the inequality and the equals signs.
We have looked at the number of tens as a guide as to which is the greatest number and explain this using the correct mathematical vocabulary.
23> 17
23 is greater than 17 because 23 has two tens and 17 only has one.
We also used our knowledge of comparative numbers to reason where numbers up to 99 would go on an empty number line.
I know that 50 goes half way between 0 and 100.
I know that 49 goes next to 50 because 49 is one less than 50.
In RE this week we were inspired by St Paul’s letters and wrote a letter in the same style explaining why God had created us and how special we are.
We ended our Beginnings topic and planned our celebration.
God Loved us and chose us before the world was made to be holy. Because he loved us, God decided to make us his own children
Based on Ephisians 1: 4-5
Friday 22nd September
In English this week we have been using descriptive language to describe how Max is feeling. We have also looked at suffix endings for ing.
This week in maths we have continued to work on place value. We have partitioned numbers into tens and ones using a part part whole model and a bar model. We said or stem sentences to help us create an addition number sentence. We then investigated that you can add two numbers in any order.
This is called commutativity.
We thought about writing addition number sentences with the whole at the front
In RE this week we have read psalms and given thanks to God for all of the things he has created in our world. We sang Laudate Si to remind us that we are taking care of all of the wonderful plants and creatures.
Friday 15th September
In English this week we have continued to read The Hodgeheg by Dick king Smith. We used adjectives to describe the park and everything that Max found in it. We acted out Max trying to cross the road and wrote sentences about how he felt and following his accident we had great fun writing mixed up sentences.
This week in Maths we have continued to work on place value. We have partitioned numbers into tens and ones using a part part whole model.
We then said
My whole is 17
One part is 10
One part is 7
Together I have 17.
We then used this to create addition equations.
We repeated all the above using numbers to 30.
In RE this week we have read Psalm 139 we hear how God created us and was there at our very beginning in life.
We responded to the psalm with You loved me and you know me.
We also wrote our own prayers to say when we start each new day.
Friday 8th September
In English this week we have been learning about the Hodgeheg. We thought about what we already knew about hedgehogs and what we would like to find out. We also looked at suffix rules for adding ‘s’. For example, dog- dogs, cat- cats. Our homework this week is reading a Bug Club book.
This week in Maths we have been working on place value. We have partitioned numbers into tens and ones using a part part whole model
We then said
My whole is 17
One part is 10
One part is 7
Together I have 17.
We repeated this for all teen numbers and some in the twenties too.
In RE this week we have been thinking about times where we have started something new and how it made us felt.