Phonics Workshop for Parents/Carers 2023-24
On 17th November 2023, parent/carer views were sought, on the Phonics Workshop, led by Mrs Simmons (English Leader). Over 20 families attended:
1. 100% agree/ strongly agree that the phonics workshop was informative
2. 100% agree/ strongly agree that their understanding of how Phonics and Reading is taught has increased
3. 100% agree/ strongly agree that the English lead shared practical ways to support children at home with Reading and Phonics
4. 100% agree/ strongly agree that they feel more confident now supporting children with Reading and Phonics at home
Review: School Development Plan: 2022-23
On 7th July 2023, parent/carer views on the School Development Plan were sought 91 parents/carers responded:
1. 96% agree/strongly agree that standards in phonics and early reading have been raised
2. 93% agree/strongly agree that the school has improved children's attendance
3. 100% agree/strongly agree that we promote positive health and wellbeing
4. 99% agree/strongly agree that we ensure all children make progress, including children with SEN and children receiving PPG funding
5. 94% agree/strongly agree that we have developed collective worship (assemblies and liturgies)
- Staff keep a close eye to bullying and relationships between pupils
- St Helens is an amazing school both my boys progressed so well! The teachers are a huge asset to the school. Thank you for all you do
- All great and worthwhile initiatives. thanks
- Receiving emails from the head teacher saying that the attendance was poor because a child was sick 1 or 2 days in a term, can be upsetting
- The school's standard in all the aspects mentioned in the questionnaire are already high. We can see that from the progress that our daughter has made during the reception year. The development plan, for which you are seeking parents' views, ensures meeting of these standards
- I also think to develop more physical education and more info on food tech wouldn’t be a bad thing
- I think by introducing more engaging reading books and not using those that can not be decoded or that were published a long time ago would improve the stand of reading.
In response to feedback we are delighted to share:
- We are currently participating in the United Against Bullying Programme and aim to establish ourselves as a 'United Against Bullying School', The programme has developed staff CPD and ensured that policies and practice are up to date and reduce bullying incidents
- Attendance this year is above the national average and persistent absence is well below the national average. Next year we will be awarding children with certificates at the end of the year to celebrate high levels of attendance
- We have already started to embed a new PE Curriculum this year which has developed the quality of PE across the school. Next year we will be developing competitive events each term between houses
- Parents/Carers will be signposted to the year group learning pages more regularly via the newsletter to ensure parents/carers have up to date information on the curriculum (including DT/Food technology)
- The English Leader will audit the reading books in the autumn term to ensure reading books are up to date
- We have already started developing the role of Liturgy Leaders in Collective Worship this year. Children are now responsible for planning prayers and hymns each week for Liturgy sessions, class meditation takes place every Friday in every class and next year we will be looking at how to develop the use of prayer and worship at home with families
Catholic Life and Religious Education: 2022-23
On 20th February 2023, parent/carer views on Catholic Life and Religious Education were sought. 102 families responded:
1. 98% agree/strongly agree that their child/ren are happy at school.
2. 100% agree/strongly agree that their child/ren feel safe at school.
3. 100% agree/strongly agree that the school enables their child/ren to behave respectfully.
4. 99% agree/strongly agree that the school is a supportive and joyful community.
5. 97% agree/strongly agree that staff are positive role-models.
6. 93% agree/strongly agree that the school works with the local parish(es).
7. 96% understand the school's Catholic mission and are supportive of it.
8. 94% agree/strongly agree that the school supports parents/carers in their role as first educators.
9. 96% agree/strongly agree that their child/ren enjoy learning in RE lessons.
10. 87% agree/strongly agree that they know how well their child/ren are doing in RE and how to improve.
11. 97% agree/strongly agree that the school supports their child/ren's spiritual and moral development.
12. 86% feel involved in the prayer life of the school.
- "It would be nice to have religious events at school where parents and children can participate."
- "Amazing work on this front and congratulations to all who have contributed to this space to enable the children to deepen their understanding of the faith."
- "Not only are the teachers head and deputy head brilliant. The office/reception staff are a credit to the school. They are always very helpful very pleasant, make you feel welcomed and are very approachable. If the school wasn't so good and welcoming probably would have moved my daughter due to the road being an an absolute nightmare."
- "I would like to feel more part of the school community as a parent. very little opportunity to get proper feedback on your child."
- "My child gains a huge amount from the religious education taught at school. Grateful."
- "More involvement between the school and the whole parish it feels very separated compared to other schools."
- "We couldn't ask for more from St Helens. Our son is extremely happy and his Catholic life has been emphasised and he really enjoys learning about the Catholic faith and sharing his new prayers at home."
- "My child is very engaged in all spiritual aspects of school and we encourage at home. I think the school does a good job of giving them this grounding."
- "I would love to join prayers conducted at school."
- "I enjoy the Wednesday Word. It is a great way to have some religious time with the kids that is more aligned to them."
In response to feedback:
We are delighted to share that we are already addressing some of the points raised:
- The Wednesday Word is shared with children in school and sent home to families to support the Gospel and prepare children for Mass at each weekend.
- The school works with the parish charity ‘Love in Action’ to provide vulnerable families with gifts at Christmas and food vouchers.
- School Masses are celebrated at the Cathedral throughout the year.
- When they are chosen, Year 2 Liturgy Leaders attend Mass with the parish at the Cathedral and are blessed by Fr Martin.
- Year 2 children support the Winter Warmer Lunch at the Parish Hall with parishioners.
- Year 1 Glee Club will be performing a selection of songs to parishioners at the Parish Hall on 17th March 2023.
- Children’s progress and targets are discussed and shared at Parent Consultations so parents/carers know how well their children are doing in RE and how to improve.
- RE Books and Spiritual Journeys are shared with parents/carers at Parent Consultations so parents/carers know how well their children are doing in RE and how to improve.
- Parents are invited to Class Liturgies and Mass at the Cathedral to pray with the school community.
- Year 1 parents are invited to the Advent Service to pray and celebrate the beginning of Advent.
Review: School Development Plan: 2021-22
On 14th July 2022, parent/carer views on the School Development Plan were sought. 122 parents/carers responded:
1. 99% agree/strongly agree that high quality teaching is evident in all classes.
2. 95% agree/strongly agree that opportunities for creativity in the curriculum have increased
3. 97% agree/strongly agree that we promote positive health and wellbeing
4. 96% agree/strongly agree that children make progress in all subjects, not just English and Maths
5. 86% agree/strongly agree that Relationships Education is embedded in the curriculum
In response to feedback:
- Information and supporting videos on the RSHE curriculum are available via the school website:Key Information - Curriculum – RSHE Information for Parents/Carers
- Teachers will go through the delivery of the RSHE curriculum in the information sessions for parents on Wednesday 21st September 2022
Catholicity and Religious Education: 2021-22
On 16th May 2022, parent/carer views on Catholicity and Religious Education were sought. 147 parents responded:
1. 99% agree/strongly agree that their child/ren enjoy being at this Catholic school.
2. 98% are happy with the values and attitudes that the school.
3. 95% feel welcome at the school.
4. 76% agree/strongly agree that the school seeks the views of parents/carers and takes account of their suggestions and concerns.
5. 80% agree/strongly agree that the school gives a clear understanding of what is taught in RE.
6. 87% agree/strongly agree that the school enables children to enjoy and achieve a good standard of work in RE.
7. 61% agree/strongly agree that the school keeps them well informed about their child's progress in RE.
In response to feedback:
- Weekly updates on children’s learning in Religious Education can be found on the school website: Children – Year Group Pages
- Regular updates on RE teaching in classes is available via Twitter: @StHelensInfant
- RE curriculum information outlining the topics taught is sent out termly via Parentmail and is also available on the school website: Key Information – Catholic Life of the School – Curriculum Information – Come and See
- Celebration Evening: Wednesday 13th July 3.20pm-4.20pm, will give parents and carers the opportunity to go into classrooms and look at children’s work in their books.
- From September 2022, there will be termly Celebration Evenings to enable children to share their work with families regularly
- Children’s end of year reports will report on children’s progress and attainment in RE
- From September 2022, Parent Consultations will include updates on learning in RE as well as English and Maths
School Uniform: 2021-22
On 17th January 2022, parent/carer views on changing the Reception uniform to jogging bottoms/sweatshirt were sought. The aim was to reduce cost to parents and to put a uniform in place which enabled children to access the EYFS curriculum with ease.
71% agreed with proposed changes
29% disagreed with proposed changes
In response to feedback:
- Governors discussed the results at the Full Governing Body Meeting on March 10th 2022 and agreed to make proposed changes.
Parent View is an online questionnaire for parents and carers to share their views about their child's school with Ofsted.
If you would like to complete a questionnaire about St Helen’s Catholic Infant School, please follow the link: