The school gates open at 8.45am and staff are in the classrooms at this time every morning.
Registers are taken at 9am and lessons begin. All children are expected to be in class by 9am at the latest.
In addition Year 1 and 2 have an additional 15 minute break in the morning and Reception have continuous access to outdoor provision throughout the day.
School finishes at 3.15pm. Children are collected from their classrooms.
You must let us know by filling in the Home Time Arrangements form, your child's home time arrangements for each day. If they are to be picked up, you must let us know who will pick them up each day. Please Note if a person arrives to pick up your child who is not on your form, we will not let the child go with that person.
If there are permanent changes to these arrangements, a new form must be completed. If there are temporary changes, you must either write a letter to the class teacher informing of the change for that day or you must ring the school office before 3.00pm - a verbal message from a child is not considered adequate. Email to the school office is also NOT accepted.
If your child is to go home by coach, you must fill in this form detailing the Coach Contract Number, Route and Stop. If for some reason your child is not travelling home from school by coach when this is the normal arrangement, a letter MUST be sent into the Class Teacher explaining the change of arrangements - a verbal message from a child is not considered adequate. Email to the school office is also NOT accepted. All coach children will be escorted to their usual coach unless a letter or a phone message is received by 3.00pm.
Children who arrive by coach, will be escorted by school staff from the coach to their classrooms from 8.45am. At the end of the day, all children will be escorted to the coach by school staff.