Filtering and Monitoring Responsibility: Mrs C. Morris (DSL), Ms A. McAuliffe and DL Solutions (IT Provider)
Safeguarding Governor (Inc Filtering and Monitoring): Mrs F. Miller
Shadow Safeguarding Governor (Inc Filtering and Monitoring) Mr M. Corcoran
- If you have any Safeguarding concerns you can contact the DSL or DDSL on and mark the email URGENT Safeguarding. The School office is manned daily during term time 01277 215626.
- If you are concerned that a child is at risk of immediate significant harm, the first action is to call 999.If you have concerns about adults that work with children contact the LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer) on 03330 139 797.
- To seek child protection advice if you have concerns for the safety or well being of our children contact the Children and Families Hub on 0345 603 7627.