St Helen’s Catholic Infant School was built in 1960 in Queens Road, Brentwood. During February 2009, the school relocated to Sawyers Hall Lane,Brentwood, to a brand new school building on a site situated next door to it’s sister Junior school. The school serves the Catholic parishes of Brentwood , Warley, Ongar and Ingatestone.
‘The school provides an outstanding education for its pupils. It has gone from strength to strength since the last inspection, and excellent teaching ensures high attainment for all groups of pupils. Pupils make outstanding progress in their learning, and greatly enjoy all aspects of school, because work is matched very closely to their needs and interests.’
OFSTED July 2011
The above quotation, very much encapsulates the ethos and aims of our school. Care, support and guidance of our whole school family – children, staff and parents - is a priority and a strength of our school which leads to ‘Happy motivated children achieving their potential, ably led by dedicated staff and supported by interested parents.’
With Jesus alive in our hearts, we celebrate each other and learn together as a family.
The aim of the school is to provide a broad and balanced curriculum which is creative and challenging and ensures that all children reach their full potential.