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Year 1 Weekly Updates on Learning 2023 - 2024

Friday 19th July


This week we have learnt about the live of Samuel Pepys and that he wrote a diary about the Great Fire of London. We also learnt that Samuel was friends with the King of England too.


We also learnt about the Artists Matisse and Van Gogh. We painted pictures of his famous sunflower picture.


In RE we have been looking at the characters for Catholic Social Teaching. Each class then collaged a different character for a whole school display.


Have a lovely weekend.

Friday 12th July


In English this week we have been remembering to use describing words to make sentences interesting. We have also been editing our writing to use capital letters and full stops correctly.

In Maths we have been using balance scales to weigh two items and say which is heavier and lighter. We have then weighed each item using cubes and recorded our findings.

In History we have learnt about how London was rebuilt after the Great Fire of London and made a collage to help us to remember the changes.


Have a lovely weekend.

Friday 5th July

This week we have finished the story of ‘The Robot and the bluebird’. We have retold the story in our own words using good describing words and remembering our full stops and capital letters.


In Maths we have been counting amounts using 2ps,5ps and 10ps. We have remembered the different coins and practised ways to make amounts.


In Science we focused on the Season of Summer and made some sun safety posters.


In RE we learnt about the Jewish faith and the importance of the torah.

Have a lovely weekend.

Friday 28th June

This week we have finished the story of ‘The robot and the Bluebird’ by David Lucas. We have thought about how the characters change their feelings throughout the story. We have also made story maps to help us to remember he order of the story.


In Maths we have been focusing on money. We have counted 1ps,2ps,5ps and 10ps. We have used the stem sentences – I have 5 1 p coins. The value is 5p.

In History we learnt what happened in the Great Fire of London. We wrote facts ad drew pictures to help us to remember the event.

Have a lovely weekend.

Friday 21st June

This week we have been thinking about the characters of the robot and the bluebird. We have written letters to the robot to explain whether we feel the robot should give up taking the bluebird south or carry on. We have also learn facts about real bluebirds and we know they are a bird from America.


In Maths we have been counting in 2s,5s and 10s. We have been practising this by counting different objects into groups.

In RE we learnt about the story of Creation and made a creation wheel.

We enjoyed making our fruit kebabs in our DT lessons. 

We celebrated World Music Day by making our own tambourines.

Have a lovely weekend.

Friday 14th June


This week for our power of reading book ‘The Robot and the Bluebird’ by David Lucas we have been re-enacting the illustrations of the book to discuss how we feel that the robot would be feeling. We have written in character too. We have also started to learn about bluebirds and we now know that they are a bird found in America.


In Maths we have been learning about time. We have revised the days of the week and the months of the year and also started to read the time on a clock with hands. ( analogue) We have ;earnt o’clock and half past.

In RE we have started our new topic of ‘Dialogue and Encounter’. We have read Pope Francis letter ‘Laudato Si’ and made posters for our common world. We also listened to the lyrics of the hymn and told each other our favourite line.


In History we have started our Great Fire of London topic. We have looked at images from London in 1666 and compared them to London today.


Have a lovely weekend.

Friday 7th June


In English this week we have been looking at the first picture in our new power of reading book and prediction what has happened to the character. We know that it is a robot with a broken heart but we don’t know anymore of the story. We have used the illustration to help us to write clues as to how he is feeling and what might have happened.


In Maths we have been learning about position and direction. We have used the vocabulary of left/right, above/below, forwards/backwards, on top of to describe the position of objects and shapes. We loved becoming robots and moving in different ways.

In RE we have learnt about how other countries celebrate Pentecost and that in Portugal the people were crowns. We then made our own crown to take home.


Have a lovely weekend.

Friday 24th May

This week we have finished the story of ‘The Last Wolf’ by Mini Grey and then written a class story for what we thought would be Little Red’s next adventure. We thought of using conjunctions ‘and’ and ‘because’ and used some interesting adjectives too.


In Maths we have been adding and subtracting using a teen number eg 14 – 1 = or 13 + 3 =. We talked about using facts that we already know to help us.


In Science we looked at the seasons and discussed which season was our favourite and why.


Have a lovely half term .

Friday 17th May


This week in English we have been focusing on the character of the wolf and writing a character profile. We thought about what the wolf looks like and how the wolf behaves. We used different describing words in our sentences.


In Maths we have been learning abut doubling and halving. We have used counters to count out amounts and double them. We have also used a part part whole model and a bar model to show our double facts.


In Science we had some investigations to learn about transparency and absorption. We tested different materials to find out if the light from the torch would go through ( transparent ) or did not go through( opaque). We also tested if they were waterproof or if they absorbed the water. We wrote our results in a table.


In Geography we made a factfile for the countries in the UK and learnt about some physical features in all the areas.

Have a lovely weekend.

Friday 10th May


In English this week we have focused on writing instructions. We made a tree house and the characters from our power of reading story and then we wrote instructions to show how to make them. We learnt that instructions need to be in the correct order and the instructions need to be clear.


In Maths we have continued to learn about teen numbers. We have been comparing them using < and > signs and recognising odd and even teen numbers too.


In RE we have learn the story of Pentecost and that the Holy Spirit came to guide and help the disciples. We have written prayers for the holy spirit to guide and help us too.


In Science we have learnt about the properties of materials eg hard, rough, soft, smooth, stretchy, shiny, dull. We have found objects in our class to sort into their properties. Have a go at look at objects at home, saying which material they are made from and saying a property of that material eg this is a toothbrush. It is plastic, it is hard and smooth.


Have a lovely weekend.

Friday 3rd May

For English this week we have been using our prediction skills to write what we think will happen when ‘Little Red’ enters the tree. We have also learnt about wolves, the lynxes and bears and learning about their features in the wild.


In Maths we have been focusing on teen numbers, recognising them as words and then saying one more or one less than these numbers. We have also been learning how we can split these numbers into tens and ones.


In RE we have learnt about Ascension and used religious Art to show this story.

In Geography we have started to recognise the four countries in the UK and focused on features in England. We have learnt about human and physical features that can be found in England.


Have a lovely weekend.

Friday 26th April


In English we have been acting out the first few pages of our power of reading text ‘The last Wolf’ by Mini Grey. We have been imagining that we are in a forest and written some descriptive sentences. We have also been predicting what we think will happen when Red enters the door in the tree. We used our knowledge of other traditional stories to help us.


In Maths we have been exploring 0 and what happens when we add or subtract it from a number. We have also learnt about doubles and halves with numbers to 10.


In RE we have started our new topic of ‘To the ends of the Earth’. We listened to the story of the road to Emmaus and learnt about when the followers saw that Jesus was alive again. We acted out the story in groups and then drew story maps to help us to retell the event.


Have a lovely weekend.

Friday 19th April

This week we have started to look at images from our new power of reading book to learn about where the story is set. We have looked at a wanted poster for a wolf and thought about questions we would like to ask the wolf about what happened. We also learnt that there is a character called ‘Red’.  We looked at her picture and described her character, thinking about her appearance and how she was feeling. We know that the story is set in a forest, there is a wolf and a girl called ‘Red’. We then decided that the story is about ‘Little Red Riding Hood’.


In Maths we have been recognising odd and even numbers.  Counting in 2s from any odd number or any even number to 20. We have also counted backwards too. We have been remembering our part part whole models and bar models and using these to solve missing parts in any equation.


In Science for our ‘Plant’ topic we have focused on trees. We have learnt about the structure of trees and sorted images into evergreen trees and deciduous trees. We looked around the school and identified different trees in our surroundings.


Have a lovely weekend.

Friday 22nd March


This week in English we have written a newspaper report about a recycling competition. We learnt about headlines, captions and pictures and how to use an exclamation mark.


In Maths we have been recalling number bonds to 10, revising that if we add numbers together, even if we change the parts around the sum stays the same. We have also been recognising the relationship between addition and subtraction.


In Science we have learnt about different flowers and different seasons. We named many flowers that grow at different points of the year.


In RE we have been thinking about Lent and how this is a time to help others grow towards Jesus. We wrote a class prayer to remind us of this.


Have a lovely weekend.

Friday 15th March

This week in English we have written letters to explain why it is important to look after our world. We have been helping the environment by using one of the ideas in our power of reading book “ 10 ways to help the world” by  making bird feeders and learning about how to write instructions.


In Maths we have been learning about first, then and now stories eg First there were 4 children in the book area, two more came along, now there are 6 children in the book area.  We have read the story then used a first , then and now board to use counters to help us to tell the story. We have also written the equation to match the story.  We have looked at both addition and subtraction stories and started to see how the facts are related.


For Science week we had a great time exploring different containers to set jelly in. We thought that the smaller containers would set quicker than the others. We also became weather watchers and observed the weather each day and recorded it on a chart with the temperature. We notice that the weather changes and the temperature became warmer.


In RE we learnt about Jesus’ life on Good Friday and that he rose again three days after. We celebrate Jesus coming back to life on Easter Sunday.


Have a lovely weekend.

Friday 8th March

This week we have made individual zig zag books about how to look after the world. We also focused on the story ‘The day the crayons quit’ for World Book day and enjoyed writing about when crayon had the best reason for quitting, writing an adventure for the crayon and making finger puppets for the characters.


In Maths we have started to learn about first , then and now stories and represented the parts of the story using counters. We have begun to understand how to write an equation to match image.


We enjoyed a lovely day at Barleylands learning about wheat. We learnt how wheat grows, how it is harvested and ground to make flour. We then used the flour to make vegetable pizzas! We also enjoyed a tractor ride and visiting a poly tunnel to see some herbs and vegetables growing. We feed some animals too.

Have a lovely weekend.

Friday 1st March


In English we have started a new power of reading book “ Ten things to help the world” by Melanie Walsh. We read the book and thought about all the different ways to help the world. We made persuasive posters to highlight how important it is to care for and look after the world.


In Maths we have focused on solving the missing part ( addend) in an equation. We have used our part part whole and bar models to help us. We have also remembered odd and even numbers.


In Science we have begun our new topic of Plants. We have looked at seeds and bulbs and described them. We have also started to plant some seeds ready to observe the changes.


In RE we have learnt about the story of Palm Sunday. We made palms and then had our own parade to retell the story.


Have a lovely weekend.

Friday 16th February


In English this week we have written factfiles about Kenya. We researched facts about the food, things to do, the weather and the towns and wrote our own factfiles.


In Maths we have been continuing to work on equations. We have been using a bar model or a part part whole model and then writing the four corresponding equations to match the information.


In Science we have looked at our Seasons topic and we went on a walk to look for signs of early spring. We took some photos and wrote sentences about what we saw.


Have a lovely half term .

Friday 9th February


This week in English we have written a diary extract about Lila’s celebration when the rain came. We made a story map first then we thought about using different sentence starters such as then, next, after that to show what happened in order. We also tried to use different describing words and words to describe feelings.


In Maths we have been working on writing expressions such as 5+3 and equations 5+3 = 8 to match an image. We have looked at recording all the expressions and equations for an image eg 5+3 = 8 3 + 5 = 8 , 8 = 5 + 3  , 8 = 3 + 5


In Science we made factfiles about animal groups and what they eat. We drew our animals and wrote sentences about them.

Have a lovely weekend.

Friday 2nd February


In English this week we have written poems about the rain. We have thought about what it would feel like if we had a drought and then suddenly the rain started just like in our Power of Reading story. First we wrote a class poem and performed it together, then we wrote our own ones and performed them to each other too.


In Maths we have been investigating ways to partition a number into two parts. We have used our knowledge of odd and even numbers to help us to find the missing part too.


In Science we have been grouping animals according to the food that they eat. We have learnt about carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.


In RE we have continued to learn stories about Jesus from the bible. We focused on the stories of Jesus welcoming the little children and the story of Zacchaeus. Both stories highlight that Jesus is always there for everyone and we wrote some class prayers.


Have a lovely weekend.

Friday 26th January


This week we have draw a story map for ‘Lila and the secret of the rain’ by David Conway and we have retold the story in our books. We added extra describing words and focused on writing simple sentences using capital letters and full stops.


In Maths we have been remembering odd and even numbers and explaining what makes a number odd or even. We have been ‘skip-counting’ using a number line, solving missing number patterns and completing investigations involving odd numbers.


In Geography we have learnt about the human and physical features in Kenya. We have drawn group posters to help us remember the different features.


In Science we have been learning about the different animal group and investigating their different skins.


Have a lovely weekend.

Friday 19th January 2023


This week we have been drawing story maps to help us to remember the story of ‘Lila and the Secret of the Rain ‘ by David Conway. We have been  thinking about adjectives that we can use to describe certain parts in the story.


In Maths we have been using numberlines to describe where the numbers 6,7,8,9,10 lie and explaining why they numbers are in the correct position or not. We have been describing the numbers using one more and one less too.


In Science we have been focusing on animals according to which animal group they belong to.


In Geography we have been learning about Kenya and locating Kenya on a map of the world.

Have a lovely weekend

Friday 12th January

In English we have started a new power of reading book called ‘Lila and the Secret of the Rain’ by David Conway. The story is based in a Kenyan village. We have looked at different nouns and adjectives to describe the setting. We then read the story and talked about the different emotions that Lila felt throughout the story.

In Phonics we have started to revisit phase 5 sounds and apply them when writing words.


In Maths we have been learning the ‘five and a bit’ rule to describe the numbers 6,7,8,9, 10. We have been using different models, the bar model, the part part whole model and a tens frame.


In RE we have learnt about the story of Jesus in the temple where Mary and Joseph presented Jesus to Simeon and Anna. We have acted out the story, painted pictures and also retold the story in sentences.

Have a lovely weekend.

Friday 15th December

This week we have been looking at party invitations as a different style of writing. We have created lists for who to invite and what we need to collect for a party. We have also written invitations for a farewell party just like Grace in the power of reading book.


In Maths we have been learning about the 2d shapes that appear on 3d shapes. We have also remember the 2d shape names and 3d shape names.


In RE we have written the Nativity story and thought about how we can think about Jesus towards his birth on Christmas Day.

Have a lovely weekend.

Friday 8th December

This week we have been writing factfiles for The Gambia as this is the place that Grace visited in our power of reading book. We have learnt about the differences between fiction and non-fiction books and used this information to write our own facts about the Gambia.


In Maths we have learnt about 3d shapes cube,cuboid, sphere, cone, pyramid and cylinder and recognising their differences.

In History we have been looking at old toys and we made our own class museum where we labelled each item.

Have a lovely weekend.

Friday 1st December

This week we have written a book review for another one of Mary Hoffman’s stories for children. We have also become illustrators and read sentences to be able to draw a picture to match the words.

In Phonics we have been learning ‘ew’ and ‘ue’ as in ‘grew’ and ‘glue’. We have also revised the ‘oo’ sound like in ‘moon’.

In Maths we have been learning about 2d shapes. We have been remembering their names and describing them to our partners. We have also made block images of other shapes and pictures using the different shapes.  We learnt about a trapezium and rhombus too.

In Science we have continued our learning on Animals and thought about pets. We have learnt about the different ways to look after pets too.


In RE we read the story of the Annunciation and painted pictures of the Angel Gabriel visiting Mary.

Have a lovely weekend.

Friday 24th November

This week in English we have been focusing on the events in Grace and Family. Grace visited an African market to buy some material to make her own dress. We set up our classrooms to recreate a market just like the story and we explored the different sights and smells that we might have had. We then wrote a postcard to our class to share our experiences.


In Maths we have been looking at a different way to partition numbers to 5. We have learnt about a bar model and investigated how to write our information on a bar model to show how many we have. We had a great time each day solving a pirate clue to open a treasure box. We had to solve clues so that we knew the correct combination of the lock.

In Science we looked at underwater animals and discussed the body parts that they have. We labelled pictures and then made a little what am I book for our partners to guess our animal.

In RE we have started our Advent topic of Waiting. We talked about times that we have waited for special times and how we have felt about them. We then wrote our Advent promise.


Please keep practising your child’s Advent liturgy words in their yellow diaries.


Have a lovely weekend.

Friday 17th November

This week we have looked at the party that Grace had with her new family in Africa. We wrote a diary extract to explain what a lovely time we had at the party.


In Phonics we have been looking at the igh sound and learning new ways of ie and the long vowel sound i_e. We have generated different words and written sentences that contain them.


In Maths we have been reading word problems and solving them using our part part whole model.

In History we have been sorting toys into old and new.

Have a lovely weekend.

Friday 10th November


This week in English we have been focusing on Grace and her feelings about families in the story ‘Grace and Family’  by Mary Hoffman. We have shared our likes about our families and written sentences to explain what families mean to us.


This week in Maths we have been using the part part whole model to describe an amount of objects. We have also practised counting carefully and using ordinal numbers to 10 to describe the position of an object.


In History we learnt about Remembrance Day and learnt about the significance of the poppies.

Have a lovely weekend.

Friday 3rd November

In English this week we have started our new power of reading book ‘Grace and Family, by Mary Hoffman. We have learnt about Grace and her views on her family. We read the story and performed freeze frame images to show different parts of the story.


In Maths we have begun to describe a ‘whole’ amount’ and split the whole amount into ‘parts’. We have learnt there are different ways to spilt an amount and it does not have to be equally.

In Science we have been observing the weather in Autumn on our weather chart and started to learn about how to measure rainfall and wind speed. We made wind gauges and rain collectors so that we can observe the weather over the coming weeks.

In History we started our new topic of Toys. We had a great time exploring old toys and then talked about the toys that we enjoy playing with. We look at some photographs and ordered them in chronological order from the oldest to the newest toys.


Have a lovely weekend.

Friday 20th October


We had a lovely day today for 'Make the Rules day' the children really enjoyed coming in wearing whatever clothes they wished. Thank you. 


For English this week we have been using the poem formats that we learnt from Shirley Hughes poems and the wrote our own poems about Autumn. We then performed our poems too the rest of the class. 


In Phonics we have been looking at phase 4 sounds. 


In Maths we have been comparing amounts using < and > symbols. 


For Black History Month we have retold the story of her life by making our own little books.

In Science we have been learning about the four seasons and different types of weather. Have a look for signs of Autumn over the half term. 


Have a restful half term. 

Friday 13th October

This week for English we have been reading the poem ’The Grass House’ by Shirley Hughes. We went for a walk outside and thought about describing what we could see, hear and feel when we were on the field. We enjoyed taking rubbings, drawing pictures and collecting leaves and seeds to help us. We then wrote our own poems.

In Maths we have been focusing on the numbers to 20 and making amounts and counting correctly. We have practising counting them in a system so that we know how many we have. We have also started to use a tens frame to show how many there are.

For Black History month we learnt about a peaceful protest that Rosa Parks had. We made our own placards and went on a fairness march.


In RE we learnt about the different roles of people during a Baptism. We learnt about the jobs of the Priest, the Parents and the Godparents.


Have a good weekend.

Friday 6th October

This week we have learnt the poem ‘Fire’ by Shirley Hughes. We have created our own campfire and listened to the sounds of fire crackling and fireworks to write words which describe fire. We have also been practising our phase 3 digraphs and writing words which contain them.


In Maths we have been comparing items by size and weight. We have been using stem sentences eg ‘The book is heavier than the pencil. The pencil is lighter than the book.’ We have been continuing to count forwards and backwards to 100 and reading numbers to 100 too.


In Science we have been using our sense of smell to identify three different items. We used words to describe the smell eg sweet, pleasant, horrible, strong. Next week , we will be focusing on seasonal change. Over the weekend have a look for signs of Autumn to see what things you can find.


For Black history month we learnt about the word racism and segregation. We started to learn about the life of Rosa Parks.

Have a lovely weekend.

Friday 29th September

This week we have looked at poems ‘Seaside’ and ‘Cold’ by Shirley hughes. In groups we have practised rehearsing and performing the lines of the poem.


In Maths we have been looking for missing numbers and counting amounts to 100.

In Science we have learnt about the sense of sight and taste. We have thought of lots of different words to describe how something tastes and enjoyed tasting different fruits to explore this.

In Geography we have looked a creating a simple map of our school ensuring that we have used identified human and physical features.


Have a lovely weekend.

Friday 22nd September

This week we have focused on 'Wind' by Shirley Hughes. We have been performing the poem with actions and exploring the wind in the playground. We then thought of different describing words to help us write our our wind poems. 


In Phonics we have been revising or, ar and oo sounds. we have been applying this is our writing too. 


In Maths we have been using dienes apparatus ( tens and ones) to make different numbers to 100. We have focused on how the number is written eg 24 is 2 tens and 4 ones and then collected the corresponding dienes apparatus to show this. 


In RE we have been looking at more psalms that show God's love for everyone. We have made a class dance and used instruments to add to the movements. 


In Science we have been learning about our senses and this week's focus was hearing and touch. We have recognised different sounds in our environment and described different textures using the correct describing words. 


Have a lovely weekend. 

Friday 15th September

This week we have been exploring some of Shirley Hughes poems from her 'Out and About' poem book. We have looked at 'Mudlarks', 'Sand' and 'Water'. We read each poem and noticed how they were the same pattern. We explored sand, mud and water on own green area and thought of lots of words to describe each one. We then wrote sentences about which one we liked the best. 


In Maths we have been continuing to count forward and backwards to 100. we have also started to group objects in groups of 10 and then say how many groups of 10 we have and how many are left over. 


In Science we have been learning about our body parts and naming and recognising different parts of our bodies. 


In RE we have been learning about different psalms from the bible and that they are special songs and prayers to show us how to live in God's family. 


Have a lovely weekend. 

Friday 8th September

For our 'Power of reading' text Out and About by Shirley Hughes, we have been thinking about times that we have been out and about. We drew pictures of places that we have visited. 


In Phonics we have revised 'ch' and all of the sounds of the alphabet. 


In Maths we have been counting forwards and backwards to 100. We have been practising counting objects carefully and writing the number to match the amount. 


In RE we have started our new topic 'Families'. We have talked about the people in our families and thought about ways that they show love and care for each other. We wrote a prayer of thanks for our families. 


Can you look at home for your child's word wallets and put them in their book bag please in order to continue practising new words. 


Have a lovely weekend. 
