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Year 2 Weekly Updates on Learning 2024 - 2025

Friday 4th October

This week in English the children have been focussing on poetry. They have performed a poem, creating their own actions, as well as creating a poem as a class. The children have also looked at how adjectives can make their writing more interesting and how when writing a poem, adding adjectives can be the pattern that they use to make their own poem. The children have concluded the week by writing their own short poem, using the skills that we have worked on at the start of the week.


In Maths we have started our new topic which is Addition. We have been looking at how we can add two single digit numbers together. We have done this using part-part-whole models and tens frames with counters. The focus has been making 10 first. For example, 7+5=, we make ten first, 7+3=10, we then still have part of the 5 and we know that 3+2=5 so then we need to add the 2, 10+2=12.


In RE we have reflected on how we can be stewards of the Earth. We have heard Sofia the Sloth’s story and have discussed how we as individuals can help be stewards of God’s creation in our school community and in the wider community. The children have all made a poster to help them explore how they will be stewards of creation in their everyday lives.


The start of October mean that it is also the start of Black History Month. We have learnt about Martin Luther King and the key parts of his life. As a celebration of the start of Black History Month all of the children have taken part in an African Drumming Workshop.

Friday 27th September 


This week in English the children have edited their retells of the hedgehog’s first crossing over the road to the park, focussing on capital letters, punctuation, spellings and the addition of adjectives and conjunctions. We have then started to explore what we think might have happened to the hedgehogs after they crossed the road to get to the park, and the children have written a short narrative describing what they think happened. We have also researched hedgehogs, including interesting facts about them and concluded the week by creating a fact file about hedgehogs.


In Maths we have been comparing numbers, moving towards comparing two-digit numbers. The children have started to use inequality symbols; = < >, and have created number sentences including these symbols. The children have also continued exploring commutativity, 35 > 21 so we know that 21 < 35. We have been practicing using the phrases greater than and less than when using the inequality symbols.


In RE we been learning about Baptism and why it is such an important part of Christian life. We have discussed how Baptism is a sacrament and what that means as well as reflecting on the symbols of Baptism. In response to this the children created a collage water droplet and noted down key words to do with Baptism and it’s symbols, for example, water, chrism oil, candle, godparents, sign of the cross. The children then role played as different people present at a Baptism and practised saying the words said at a Baptism.

Friday 20th September


This week in English we have continued reading our Power of Reading book, ‘The Hodgeheg’. We have explored what makes a character; how they look and how they feel inside. We had continued to explore a range of adjectives to include in our work as we have also written a character description for Max the Hedgehog. We have also created a story map for Max and his family’s crossing across the busy road. Using this story map all the children have written their own retell of the events of the first crossing for Max!


In Maths we have continued exploring place value. We have been practiced partitioning into tens and ones using both part-part-whole models and bar models, and based upon this have been writing number sentences to go with these different models. We have also explored the concept of commutativity which is changing the order of the operands but the result does not change. For example: 10+6=16 becomes 6+10=10.


In RE we have reflected upon the story of Noah’s Ark, focussing upon the Covenant that God made with Noah, promising not to flood the world again. The symbol of this Covenant appeared in the form of the first rainbow. The children all created a watercolour image of this part of Noah’s story. As well as this the children also reflected on why God sent the flood, why he was angry at the humans on the Earth. As a result of this we all wrote a sorry prayer to God about a time that we have not made the right choice.   

Friday 13th September


This week in English we have started our new Power of Reading book, ‘The Hodgeheg’. We have explored sentence structure as our character has a bump to the head and starts speaking with his words in the incorrect order. We have also acted out scenes from the book and described how we felt when pretending to be a hedgehog crossing the road.


In Maths we have started our new topic, Place Value. We have been exploring teen numbers and how we can partition them into tens and ones. We have practiced substituting ten ones for one ten. We have also recorded our work both numerically and pictorially in our books.


In RE we have started our topic – Creation and Covenant. We have retold the story of Noah, highlighting the importance of the rainbow as a symbol of God’s promise to Noah. We created our own comic strip to tell this important story as well as learning that it is from the Old Testament. We have also reflected on our start in Year 2 and what we have learnt so far in RE. Based on this we have created a class prayer to be displayed on our school prayer tree.  
