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Year 1 Weekly Updates on Learning 2024 - 2025

Friday 4th October


Year 1 Newsletter

This week in English we enjoyed performing poems to an audience (our next door class) that we invited with invitations last week. We read a poem about fire and have been collecting ideas so that we can write our own poems next week.


In Maths we have been working on recognising whole objects and objects that are not whole. We then looked at groups of objects that were whole  and groups of objects where something was missing so was only a part. We then started to split a group of cubes into different parts.

Our maths vocabulary this week is


whole     not whole        missing        part  


We have continued to count forwards and backwards within 100.


In RE this week we have thought about how we can come closer to God by looking at and responding to art work. We also designed posters to show how we can protect the amazing world that God created for us.

Friday 27th September


This week in English we have continued to read  poems from the anthology Out and About. We explored the rhythm of the poem Spring Greens and worked as a class to learn and perform it with expression and volume. We wrote a simple invitation to ask the class next door to come to our performance.


In Maths this week we have been comparing groups of objects using the language fewer than and more than.

The boy has more balloons than the girl.

The girl has fewer balloons than the boy.


We have introduced the children to the inequality signs

greater than   > and less than <

We have used these signs to compare numbers



We have also used equal to = when comparing groups





We have been reflecting on ways of getting closer to God. We have looked closely at our Reflection Area and sung some hymns about The Creation, remembering that singing a hymn is like praying twice.

We have started to learn the words to The Our Father so that we can say it together at prayer time.




Friday 20th September

This week in English we have read poems about the wind and sand. We have learnt a poem about wind and performed it as a group with actions. We also thought of our own words to describe the wind and wrote poetic sentences making sure to include a capital letter and a full stop.


In Maths the children have been comparing objects by their length and their weight.

During their maths activities hey have been using the mathematical vocabulary:

Longer than shorter than heavier than lighter than

We have continued to count forwards and backwards within 100.


In RE this week we have listened to the children’s version of the letter that Pope Francis wrote, Laudato Si. We have thought about the beautiful world that God created as a gift to us and how actions that we can take to protect it and care for it.


Friday 13th September



This week in English we have continued to read the poem Out and About. We thought about the describing words that the poet has used. We thought about the things we do when we are out and about in different seasons and wrote sentences about what we like to do best.



In Maths this week we have continued to count both forwards and backwards within 100. We read Spinderella by Julia Donaldson and counted legs of flies and spiders. We also solved problems like:

If there were 2 spiders, how many legs would there be?

We drew pictures so that we could count all the legs to help us to solve this problem.




We have started our new topic, Creation and Covenant. We read the story of the Creation in The Book of Genesis. We created a whole class display that included all the things that God created. We wrote prayers to say thank you for all the special gifts that God gave us.




In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1

Friday 6th September


This week in English we have started our new Power of Reading book, Out and About by Shirley Hughes which is a collection of poems.

We read the title poem Out and About which is all about exploring on a Spring day.

The children responded to the poem and said what they liked best about it.


In Maths the children have been practising counting within 100. We listened to a story about a sheep who couldn’t get to sleep, we made sheep and then counted them. We thought carefully about how to say the numbers correctly

13 thirteen 30 thirty

14 fourteen 40 forty

15 fifteen 50 fifty etc


In RE this week we reflected on our school mission statement and thought about how Jesus loves us all very much.

With Jesus alive in our hearts, we celebrate each other and learn together as a family.
